Got ideas ?

… contact us now to book your FREE 30-minute
confidential strategy session with IP Mentor.

Why You Need IP Mentor

Do you have the time and resources to:

  • work out how to come up with a world beating idea?
  • navigate the maze that is IP protection?
  • figure out how to make money out of that idea?

Probably not. And why should you have to work it all out for yourself? IP Mentor has been created to get you from the beginning of you idea, all the way to the commercial success and beyond.

You wouldn’t expect to become a world class golfer without a coach to guide you through your weaknesses and develop your strengths.

The same is true of innovation.

You need the IP Mentor if you wish to become a world class innovator, profit from your ideas and leave a legacy.

Perhaps you wish to:

  • create a legacy for your descendants?
  • help change the world?

… these are the mission of IP Mentor.

Assisting Inventors Since 1984

IP Mentor

Master of Intellectual Property

After 20 years as a creator and commercialiser of ideas and innovations, patent attorney, Clinton Giraudo is back … as the IP Mentor to take away the uncertainty of idea commercialisation.

Having earned his right as a master innovation strategist through two decades of practical experience, Clinton is now delivering innovators their unique pathway from idea to legacy. Clinton and team will seek to protect your ideas, and guide you through the somewhat rocky and sometimes uncertain commercialisation process.

IP Mentor reveals to you the secret alchemy for turning ideas into gold.

Intellectual Property (IP)

Accessing, proving and protecting:

  • patents
  • trade marks and
  • industrial designs.

IP Mentor are your patent attorneys to get the protection you need.

IP Mentoring

Helping turn your ideas into your legacy.

For those rare people who are committed and willing to do whatever it takes.

IP Mentor know the great divide between idea and commercial returns and can steer your venture from beginning to end.

Solving Impossible Problems

All problems are solvable. It is just a matter of resources and commitment.

IP Mentor excel in the rare art of overcoming the impossible.

Making an Impact Across the Globe

Everyone knows that many innovators do not succeed (Nikola Tesla died broke), and many innovations, even great ones, do not succeed either (BetaMax failed despite being vastly superior to VHS).

However, success leaves clues, and the IP Mentor has worked with many successful innovators and innovative organisations and learned what works and what does not work.

Signature Process

Twenty-four years ago, Clinton left the patent attorney profession, disillusioned at the poor success rate of inventors, and what he saw as an inability to help them succeed with their ideas.

Falling back on his Electrical Engineering degree, Clinton was determined to do better and took the unprecedented and brave move to switch sides. So, from being a protector of ideas Clinton became a creator and commercialiser of ideas. This was a fraught and difficult journey, with many defeats and much learning, before Clinton found the secrets to successful innovation.

Armed with this knowledge Clinton now returns to help innovators like you, with the rare and highly prized understanding of both sides of the innovation equation. He is perhaps the only Australian patent attorney to qualify twice. Yes, after mastering the innovation process, Clinton Giraudo had to re-qualify as a patent attorney, earning his Masters of Intellectual Property at the University of Technology Sydney.

Now Clinton Giraudo is the IP Mentor.

WIPO Case Studies on the use of IP by small and medium enterprises.

Become an IP Master

Join Clinton at the IP Mentor Master Class, where he will reveal the IP Strategies from which all pathways that lead from idea to legacy evolve.

Clinton puts it all together for you.

Join the master class and Clinton will share with you the benefit of his experience and help you shave decades into days on your innovation road to riches. You do not have enough time or resources to learn what Clinton has devoted his life to figuring out through his experience.

Clinton puts it all together so you can turn your ideas into your legacy and help make the world a better place for everyone.

Meet Clinton at the Master Class and have your questions answered.

Register below to reserve your seat in the Master Class. Places are limited.

Contact Us

Contact Clinton Giraudo
Patent Attorney at IP Mentor

Western Australia

+61 409 658 411

Registered Patent Attorney

TTIPAB registered patent attorney – check status here.

Send Us a Message

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